Month: October 2011

  • My 2011 Chicago Marathon Race Report.

    When my sister, Jenn, her boyfriend, Tom, and myself, arrived in Chicago, we did quite a bit of sightseeing. I was originally going to write a separate post in my writing blog, but realized photos would say it best. Therefore, you can find photos & descriptions of that, and more (including some awesome photos of…

  • Just a preview for now.

     Hal Higdon (the man whose online training guides help thousands to train for marathons) and me.   There is a huge amount of stuff inside me that I’m trying to sort out. I’m recovering better than I expected though. Currently I’m mostly unplugged and relaxing. I’ve just begun writing things down and sorting through photos. A…

  • Thoughts before I go….

    I’m packing for Chicago and doing up the meal plan for my little family to follow until I get back on Monday evening. The list of things I’ve had to do isn’t so bad. I’ve packed up my lucky backpack (I prefer to travel as simply as possible). I’ve charged up my gear and bought…